Shed Review!

1. When designing the shed, what is one aspect of the design process you must remember to help you be most efficient in using the computer software?
-- I feel that it is most important to remember to take each step one at a time. Before, we never had to work in layers, but with this program, we need to start with the floor and work our way up to be most efficient.

2. If you were given additional time to make a change to your design, what would you change and why?
-- I would design the shed with some different dimensions to make it more practical. From a realistic aspect, and 8'x8' shed wouldn't be very big at all. Depending on what is stored in there, it would fill up very fast. Also, rather than a regular door, i would add double doors so that you get things in and out easier. I would also like to take some time with outside details like adding trim.

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