1.1 Essential Questions

1. Are civil engineering and architecture the same? From the viewpoint of a civil engineer, what is civil engineering? From the viewpoint of an architect, what is architecture?
-- No, they are not the same. CE's are lower paid engineers that work mainly on public buildings and roads. Architects design mostly residential buildings.

2. When a structure, such as the aqueducts, was built, what was known about civil engineering? How has it evolved since then? From the time of the pyramids, architecture has taken many forms or styles. How are modern structures influenced by past designs?
-- At the time, not much was known about CE, but through time and practice, we have been able to learn a lot about why buildings are able to support themselves and what types of shapes will be the strongest. For example, we have been able to learn that an arch will not be structurally sound without the most important part, the keystone. Modern architects sometimes use ancient structures to influence how they design their buildings. They see the lines and shapes of the buildings and incorporate them into their own design.

3. How do the major individuals and agencies that are involved in the design and development of civil engineering or an architectural project affect the outcome of a project?
-- Depending on who is designing a project, the end product can be very diverse. Each architect and company will have their own tendencies that they will incorporate into most of their designs.

4. How do I know what career opportunities in civil engineering or architecture are available to me?
-- During schooling, students are able to take internships at places they hope will one day employ them, but the best way to find available work places is to talk directly to a CE or architect.

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