Lake House

1. As a designer, in what ways did you try to influence your client?
-- I tried to simplify his ideas so that the house would be more usable, easier to construct, and cheaper to fit a budget.

2. How did making the sketches when working with your client help the design process?
-- It helped because they were able to make suggestions before we got too far into the designing process.

3. What relationship do the various drawings and renderings have to each other?
-- The first drawings were the original inspiration for the rest of the renderings. Essentially, the renderings the same as the drawings, just in a later stage.

4. How did the existing plot plan limit your design?
-- It mainly limited our designs in size and shape, we knew we would not be able to exceed the size of the plot, and our houses would not be able to be any obscure shapes.

5. What are some of the things you would do differently? How would you change the process to accomplish them?
-- I would mainly get a better client. He sucked. Really, I liked this process for outside of class consultation, for in class really all that would be needed is the design on the computer.

6. What impact will the property have on the surrounding area if it is developed?
-- Assuming there has been nothing there before hand, developing a house or any other structure can disrupt the wildlife of the area. Animals will have taken habitat in that area, and you will now be destoying it. that is why people try to keep it to a minimum

7. How do you know if your design is ready for implementation?
-- As the designer, I had to make sure that it was usable over all. Then I had to get it approved by the client and make any necessary changes.

8. How does the use of software and other tools aid in the development of an idea?
-- Software really helps you visualize how the structure will look in the place where you plan to develop it. It gives the client an exact idea of how it will all come together to make sure they are on the same page as the designer.

9. What design ideas would you incorporate in your vacation house versus your year-round house?
-- The vacation house would be all around smaller. Overall, I would design it to use space more efficiently. In an all year house, there would need to be more space for more belongings. I would also add a dining room to an all year room whereas in a summer house you can eat outside.

10. What is something you learned today that you did not understand or know before?
-- Today, I learned that you are able to change the landscape of the renderings from dirt to grass. How incedible!

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