Architectual Styles Questions

1. How are lines, color, texture, and proportion used in the design of a structure?

--Depending on they style of architecture being aimed at, all of these elements will be taken into consideration. The lines of a building have a huge impact on how the eye sees the building. some people look for rough edges whereas some people want rounded corners and turrets on their buildings. The same goes for color, texture, and proportion, they are all based on interpritation.

2. What architectural styles are typically seen in residential design? Industrial design? Commercial design?

-- Typically in residential buildings, you will see a some form of cubic or Victorian architecture, cubic being more modern and Victorian an older style. In the industrial setting, cubic will be used often because it is cheap and has a high volume of usable space. Commercial buildings like to use styles that are appealing to the eye.

3. What architectural style is most common in your area? What are the common components of that style?

-- Around here, cubic buildings are common. Typically they are 2 stories with low vaulted roof and hard, 90 degree angles.

4. What are the neighborhood and environmental influences that determine the style of a structure in your area?

-- In our area, there is a lot of land used for farming. Buildings are typically multiple stories to have a large square footage, but not occupy much ground.

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