Well here is our concept map. It's pretty. Also, it's impressive.

1. What distinguishes Civil Engineering from Architecture?
-- The main distinguishing feature between a Civil Engineer and an Architect is the fact that CE's do mainly public works and commercial buildings where as architects work primarily on residential buildings.

2. Identify three events in the evolution of Civil Engineering that you think are important to know and that help you understand Civil Engineering.
-- First, as simple as it seems, the invention of the calculator has had a major impact on CE. Before the calculator, calculations had to be done by hand, and while not impossible, these calculations took a very long time to finish. Next, the invention of power tools has also greatly benefited this field of work. While it may seem like this isn't really relevant to engineering, this invention has allowed for engineers to finish projects much quicker and more precisely than without making their work seem overall better. Finally, the most important invention that has benefited civil engineering has been the CAD software programs. Before these programs all designs had to be drafted by hand which could take up to weeks.

3. Identify three events in the evolution of Architecture that you think are important to know and that help you understand Architecture.
-- personal computers, CAD, and surveying equipment

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