Lake House Pics

Final Renderings!

Original Sketch

Bubble Diagram

Door and Window Schedule

Wall Section View

Elevation Views

Dimensioned Floor Plan

Lake House

1. As a designer, in what ways did you try to influence your client?
-- I tried to simplify his ideas so that the house would be more usable, easier to construct, and cheaper to fit a budget.

2. How did making the sketches when working with your client help the design process?
-- It helped because they were able to make suggestions before we got too far into the designing process.

3. What relationship do the various drawings and renderings have to each other?
-- The first drawings were the original inspiration for the rest of the renderings. Essentially, the renderings the same as the drawings, just in a later stage.

4. How did the existing plot plan limit your design?
-- It mainly limited our designs in size and shape, we knew we would not be able to exceed the size of the plot, and our houses would not be able to be any obscure shapes.

5. What are some of the things you would do differently? How would you change the process to accomplish them?
-- I would mainly get a better client. He sucked. Really, I liked this process for outside of class consultation, for in class really all that would be needed is the design on the computer.

6. What impact will the property have on the surrounding area if it is developed?
-- Assuming there has been nothing there before hand, developing a house or any other structure can disrupt the wildlife of the area. Animals will have taken habitat in that area, and you will now be destoying it. that is why people try to keep it to a minimum

7. How do you know if your design is ready for implementation?
-- As the designer, I had to make sure that it was usable over all. Then I had to get it approved by the client and make any necessary changes.

8. How does the use of software and other tools aid in the development of an idea?
-- Software really helps you visualize how the structure will look in the place where you plan to develop it. It gives the client an exact idea of how it will all come together to make sure they are on the same page as the designer.

9. What design ideas would you incorporate in your vacation house versus your year-round house?
-- The vacation house would be all around smaller. Overall, I would design it to use space more efficiently. In an all year house, there would need to be more space for more belongings. I would also add a dining room to an all year room whereas in a summer house you can eat outside.

10. What is something you learned today that you did not understand or know before?
-- Today, I learned that you are able to change the landscape of the renderings from dirt to grass. How incedible!

Architectual Styles Questions

1. How are lines, color, texture, and proportion used in the design of a structure?

--Depending on they style of architecture being aimed at, all of these elements will be taken into consideration. The lines of a building have a huge impact on how the eye sees the building. some people look for rough edges whereas some people want rounded corners and turrets on their buildings. The same goes for color, texture, and proportion, they are all based on interpritation.

2. What architectural styles are typically seen in residential design? Industrial design? Commercial design?

-- Typically in residential buildings, you will see a some form of cubic or Victorian architecture, cubic being more modern and Victorian an older style. In the industrial setting, cubic will be used often because it is cheap and has a high volume of usable space. Commercial buildings like to use styles that are appealing to the eye.

3. What architectural style is most common in your area? What are the common components of that style?

-- Around here, cubic buildings are common. Typically they are 2 stories with low vaulted roof and hard, 90 degree angles.

4. What are the neighborhood and environmental influences that determine the style of a structure in your area?

-- In our area, there is a lot of land used for farming. Buildings are typically multiple stories to have a large square footage, but not occupy much ground.

1.1 Essential Questions

1. Are civil engineering and architecture the same? From the viewpoint of a civil engineer, what is civil engineering? From the viewpoint of an architect, what is architecture?
-- No, they are not the same. CE's are lower paid engineers that work mainly on public buildings and roads. Architects design mostly residential buildings.

2. When a structure, such as the aqueducts, was built, what was known about civil engineering? How has it evolved since then? From the time of the pyramids, architecture has taken many forms or styles. How are modern structures influenced by past designs?
-- At the time, not much was known about CE, but through time and practice, we have been able to learn a lot about why buildings are able to support themselves and what types of shapes will be the strongest. For example, we have been able to learn that an arch will not be structurally sound without the most important part, the keystone. Modern architects sometimes use ancient structures to influence how they design their buildings. They see the lines and shapes of the buildings and incorporate them into their own design.

3. How do the major individuals and agencies that are involved in the design and development of civil engineering or an architectural project affect the outcome of a project?
-- Depending on who is designing a project, the end product can be very diverse. Each architect and company will have their own tendencies that they will incorporate into most of their designs.

4. How do I know what career opportunities in civil engineering or architecture are available to me?
-- During schooling, students are able to take internships at places they hope will one day employ them, but the best way to find available work places is to talk directly to a CE or architect.


Well here is our concept map. It's pretty. Also, it's impressive.

1. What distinguishes Civil Engineering from Architecture?
-- The main distinguishing feature between a Civil Engineer and an Architect is the fact that CE's do mainly public works and commercial buildings where as architects work primarily on residential buildings.

2. Identify three events in the evolution of Civil Engineering that you think are important to know and that help you understand Civil Engineering.
-- First, as simple as it seems, the invention of the calculator has had a major impact on CE. Before the calculator, calculations had to be done by hand, and while not impossible, these calculations took a very long time to finish. Next, the invention of power tools has also greatly benefited this field of work. While it may seem like this isn't really relevant to engineering, this invention has allowed for engineers to finish projects much quicker and more precisely than without making their work seem overall better. Finally, the most important invention that has benefited civil engineering has been the CAD software programs. Before these programs all designs had to be drafted by hand which could take up to weeks.

3. Identify three events in the evolution of Architecture that you think are important to know and that help you understand Architecture.
-- personal computers, CAD, and surveying equipment


1. When designing the playhouse, what is one aspect of the design process you must remember to help you be most efficient in using the computer software?
-- When designing this Play Cave, I felt it was most important to not get carried away with the small details right away. The most important thing is to get the structure up the way you want it, then fill in if you have the time.

2. If you were given additional time to make a change to your design, what would you change and why?
-- If given more time, figured out how to work inside the shed more. I would have liked to make it taller with a loft and a firemen's pole to come down.

Shed Review!

1. When designing the shed, what is one aspect of the design process you must remember to help you be most efficient in using the computer software?
-- I feel that it is most important to remember to take each step one at a time. Before, we never had to work in layers, but with this program, we need to start with the floor and work our way up to be most efficient.

2. If you were given additional time to make a change to your design, what would you change and why?
-- I would design the shed with some different dimensions to make it more practical. From a realistic aspect, and 8'x8' shed wouldn't be very big at all. Depending on what is stored in there, it would fill up very fast. Also, rather than a regular door, i would add double doors so that you get things in and out easier. I would also like to take some time with outside details like adding trim.


Civil Engineer:
What are your daily reponsibilities?
What type of company/organization do you work for?
What do you like/dislike about your job?

What are some of your responsibilities as an architect?
What schooling did you have to have to get your job?
Coming out of college, was it easy to find a job in your field?
