Structural Calculations

Structural calculations

Live loads
Snow 20 psf
People _____psf
Furniture _____psf
Other _____psf

Dead loads
Assume 90 psf

Total ___110__psf

Use A36 steel (36000 lbs)

Beam loading
total load*tributary width

110psf*5.5ft = 605 lbs

Determine Allowable Bending Stress.
2/3*steel yield strength

2/3*36000lbs = 24000lbs/in^3

Determine Maximum moment
loading*length of beam squared divided by 8

M= (605 lbs * 75^2) / 8 = 425,390.6 lbs-ft

Determine Section Modulus Required for Bending.
Max moment divided by allowable bending stress

425,390.6 lbs-ft * 12 in / 24,000 lbs/in^3 = 212.7 in^3

Determine allowable deflection
length of beam divided by 360

75 ft * 12 in / 360 = 2.5 in

Pick a recommended beam in MD Solids.
Determine actual section modulus, and deflection based on your beam.

Section Modulus: 213 in^3
Deflection: -5.21

In real life, there would be a need for more supports throughout the beam. Also these calculations do not include the girders that run the other directions that would help support the 75ft beam. So even though this beam says it would bend too much. It probably wouldn’t be nearly as bad as it seems.

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