Heat Loss Calculations

Heat Calculations:

Floor Area: 7500 ft^2
Ceiling Area: 7500 ft^2
Wall Area: 5250 ft^2
Window Area: 268 ft^2
Door Area: 84 ft^2

Wall Area Minus Windows and Doors: 4898 ft^2

Divided by R factor

Floor: 3750 BTUH * 15 degrees = 56250
Ceiling: 2027 BTUH * 15 degrees = 30405
Wall: 963.3 BTUH * 15 degrees = 14449.5

Floor: 3750 BTUH * 38 degrees = 142500
Ceiling: 2027 BTUH * 38 degrees = 77026
Wall: 963.3 BTUH * 38 degrees = 36605.4

Total BTUH: 256131.4 BTUH

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