Final Reflection!

This project was very in depth and a little insane at times. As engineers, it isn't very often you actually get to choose what type of building/business you are going to be designing. This was a little far fetched, but I liked the freedom it gave us. Even though we didn't take it too seriously, I think the soil tests were very realistic. I could see where that would be very relevant to a civil engineer's design of a project. Throughout the design and implementation of our building, I changed very little. From my bubble diagrams to my renderings, the same basic idea was maintained. If I was to do this again, I would think less like a civil engineer and more like an architect. I choose to build my building so that it would be functional, not pretty. I think I could do a better job of combing the two if I did it again. I think this is also what I learned throughout the project. My tendencies lean toward civil engineer. While I do enjoy good architecture, I focus more on how it works. I'm definitely glad to be done with everything and am really looking forward to the mystery of next year!

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