Final Reflection!

This project was very in depth and a little insane at times. As engineers, it isn't very often you actually get to choose what type of building/business you are going to be designing. This was a little far fetched, but I liked the freedom it gave us. Even though we didn't take it too seriously, I think the soil tests were very realistic. I could see where that would be very relevant to a civil engineer's design of a project. Throughout the design and implementation of our building, I changed very little. From my bubble diagrams to my renderings, the same basic idea was maintained. If I was to do this again, I would think less like a civil engineer and more like an architect. I choose to build my building so that it would be functional, not pretty. I think I could do a better job of combing the two if I did it again. I think this is also what I learned throughout the project. My tendencies lean toward civil engineer. While I do enjoy good architecture, I focus more on how it works. I'm definitely glad to be done with everything and am really looking forward to the mystery of next year!

Building Footprint and Sight Plan

Exterior Renderings


Based on the test we did of the soil, we determined that the soil has high clay content. The water percolation test showed that nearly no water drained through the soil. When we separated the dry smashed soil, we found that there were very few rocks and very little sand. The test we did with the mud showed that it is very pliable and sticky. It help moisture very well.


Water supply:
500 ppd * 50 gpd = 25000 gpd

Water runoff:
In general, the addition of a large parking lot will create drainage problems and a retention pond is often necessary to control the flow of water. Luckily, there is an existing pond on the property so drainage due to the addition of a parking lot should not be an issue.

Waste Water:
Because we are near the school, there is already a sewer system run out this direction. We will be able to tie into that and pay for usage.

Interior Renderings

Cost Estimate

The actual estimate of this building is unknown. If I had to estimate the cost I would say it would be around $427,936. Part of why this is so expensive is the roof line that exceeds 40'. This is a neat aesthetic feature and will make for some awesome sledding, but it also increases price.

Heat Loss Calculations

Heat Calculations:

Floor Area: 7500 ft^2
Ceiling Area: 7500 ft^2
Wall Area: 5250 ft^2
Window Area: 268 ft^2
Door Area: 84 ft^2

Wall Area Minus Windows and Doors: 4898 ft^2

Divided by R factor

Floor: 3750 BTUH * 15 degrees = 56250
Ceiling: 2027 BTUH * 15 degrees = 30405
Wall: 963.3 BTUH * 15 degrees = 14449.5

Floor: 3750 BTUH * 38 degrees = 142500
Ceiling: 2027 BTUH * 38 degrees = 77026
Wall: 963.3 BTUH * 38 degrees = 36605.4

Total BTUH: 256131.4 BTUH

Structural Calculations

Structural calculations

Live loads
Snow 20 psf
People _____psf
Furniture _____psf
Other _____psf

Dead loads
Assume 90 psf

Total ___110__psf

Use A36 steel (36000 lbs)

Beam loading
total load*tributary width

110psf*5.5ft = 605 lbs

Determine Allowable Bending Stress.
2/3*steel yield strength

2/3*36000lbs = 24000lbs/in^3

Determine Maximum moment
loading*length of beam squared divided by 8

M= (605 lbs * 75^2) / 8 = 425,390.6 lbs-ft

Determine Section Modulus Required for Bending.
Max moment divided by allowable bending stress

425,390.6 lbs-ft * 12 in / 24,000 lbs/in^3 = 212.7 in^3

Determine allowable deflection
length of beam divided by 360

75 ft * 12 in / 360 = 2.5 in

Pick a recommended beam in MD Solids.
Determine actual section modulus, and deflection based on your beam.

Section Modulus: 213 in^3
Deflection: -5.21

In real life, there would be a need for more supports throughout the beam. Also these calculations do not include the girders that run the other directions that would help support the 75ft beam. So even though this beam says it would bend too much. It probably wouldn’t be nearly as bad as it seems.

Wall Section


Structural Isometric Plan

Plumbing Plan

Electrical Plan


Door and Window Schedule

Room Areas

Furnished Floor Plan

Dimensioned Floor Plan

Building Codes

Throughout this project we have had to follow ADA requirements. We used the following guidelines:

Bubble Diagram and Sketches

Site Photographs and Property Boundaries

This aerial view shows the property as it is now. As you can see, there are existing structures that will need to be removed in order to make room for the proposed building. Property lines are outlined by the pink lines.

Project Description

For this semester's project, we were told to choose a building to design near the school that would benefit. I chose to open a coffee shop. I think building a coffee shop in this space would be a huge benefit to the community and make great profits all at the same time. Obviously, quite a bit of business would come from students before and after school, but it would also get business from parents at sporting games or other school functions. A coffee shop would offer a great study environment near the school for kids to meet at or go straight to. It would provide a place for a nutritious dinner after sporting events when it can sometimes be later in the evening.

This establishment will meet all the requirements of being near a school. There will be no alcohol or firearms exchanged. As a restaurant, this establishment will abide by all the rules set by the health board.


2500 gpd

1. What course of action should an architect or civil engineer take if the proposed slope of the Jolt Coffee Shop tie-in pipe is less than ¼” of drop per foot of pipe?
-- They would need to find a way to raise the point of exit from the building or look into installing a septic tank.

2. Why is it important for wastewater from a structure(s) to not be toxic to microorganisms?
-- The microorganisms will eat away at the sludge built up in the septic tank so that it doesnt build up so fast.

3. Why is proper wastewater management critical for the health and welfare of society and the environment?
-- If wastewater is not treated, it will destroy freshwater ecposystems and set off an ufortunate chain of events in which everyone ends up dying!