Viability Survey

1. The number of inhabitants of the structure: commercial or residential
-- There will be 3 to 4 people working at all times. The intent is for this building to have 30 people an hour coming through.

2. The ages and gender of inhabitants
-- Customers will be of all ages. Workers will be from 16-45.

3. Future plans to add onto the structure: future expansion
-- Growth will be determined by necessity through demand.

4. A list of activities to be done with the structure (i.e., office use, office and living use, or storage only)
-- Food service

5. Entertainment habits
-- There will be televisions and gaming systems for movies and tournaments.

6. Desired number of rooms, minimum sizes, and types of rooms
-- 2 dining rooms, 2 restrooms and a kitchen all of fairly large size.

7. Kitchen with types of appliances desired
-- large commercial kitchen with commercial appliances

8. Bathrooms with the number, size, and types of fixtures desired.
-- 2 public restrooms and 1 employee restroom. 7 stalls and 4 urinals desired with 9 sinks.

9. Planned length of use of structure
-- years

10. ADA requirements
-- will be met

11. Budget for structure
-- a million dollars

12. Style of structure
-- cubic awesomeness

13. Special needs, i.e.: Handicap access
-- handicap restroom and entrances.

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