4.4.1 Essential Questions

1. Why did we exaggerate the vertical scale when we did the profile layout of the road?
-- We exaggerated the scale so that we could see the road in greater detail/

2. What differences would there be in the design of a road if we changed the road type from a collector to an arterial?
-- The road would have to be much larger and curve very little because cars would be traveling at higher speeds.

3. What are some of the factors you would have to consider if you were asked to design a new parking lot for your local library?
-- I would consider the space and how level the area was. I would also consider how much traffic goes through the building and how the flow would be.

4. How would the design of ingress or egress change if a building were to be used as a day care center instead of a senior center?
-- For day cares, your entrances would need to be farther away to keep the darting kids out of the way. Senior center entrances need to be real close to the doors of the building so that the old people don't have to walk far.

2 Response to "4.4.1 Essential Questions"

  1. Warp Speed Trading says:
    April 20, 2010 at 5:44 AM
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  2. mr.torwelle says:
    April 22, 2010 at 6:00 AM

    You will be divided into small groups. You will be studying the electric utility to research and will create a handout sheet for the various requirements for the utility. The handout sheet should include

    · Sources (Public and Private)

    · Transmission and distribution methods

    · Sizing requirements

    · Common schematic symbols

    You will use your information sheets to sketch in the utility information on the site plan for the Athletic Equipment retail store. Utilities should be sized according to the needs of the 25,000 sq ft building.

    Answer the following questions in your handout.

    1. How do you determine how large a utility supply must be in order to support the demands of service?

    2. Explain why you chose above or below ground installations for your utilities.

    3. Why do so many different utilities use many of the same terms?

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