
1. plan and design, create practical turf areas, select and group plants appropriately, improve the soil, mulch, efficient irrigation, maintain the landscape.

2. Xeriscape is a combinations of 7 common sense gardening principles that save water while creating a lush and colorful landscape.

5. Shade conserves water by reducing the direct sunlight that hits the ground. This means less water will evaporate from the ground and more is available for the plants to use. Also, limited sunshine means a cooler feeling for human comfort.

6. Trees are a major part of landscape design. As they balance and add a heightened effect to the landscape, they also put off a lot of shade.

7. It would be appropriate to provide shade in sunny open climates where there is a lot of sun. It would not be necessary to worry about shade in regions where there is little sun such as a woods because there is already ample shade provided.

8. Select plants based on their adaptability to your regions climate and soil.

10. In our climate, most plants will grow. The exceptions to this rule are tropical or desert plants. for our area, it is most efficient to choose plants that will not die off during the winter months. Some examples include: various varieties of black-eyed Susans, coneflowers, false blue indigo, or cardinal flowers. These plants range from small to bushy and will come up annually.

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