
1. plan and design, create practical turf areas, select and group plants appropriately, improve the soil, mulch, efficient irrigation, maintain the landscape.

2. Xeriscape is a combinations of 7 common sense gardening principles that save water while creating a lush and colorful landscape.

5. Shade conserves water by reducing the direct sunlight that hits the ground. This means less water will evaporate from the ground and more is available for the plants to use. Also, limited sunshine means a cooler feeling for human comfort.

6. Trees are a major part of landscape design. As they balance and add a heightened effect to the landscape, they also put off a lot of shade.

7. It would be appropriate to provide shade in sunny open climates where there is a lot of sun. It would not be necessary to worry about shade in regions where there is little sun such as a woods because there is already ample shade provided.

8. Select plants based on their adaptability to your regions climate and soil.

10. In our climate, most plants will grow. The exceptions to this rule are tropical or desert plants. for our area, it is most efficient to choose plants that will not die off during the winter months. Some examples include: various varieties of black-eyed Susans, coneflowers, false blue indigo, or cardinal flowers. These plants range from small to bushy and will come up annually.

Viability Survey

1. The number of inhabitants of the structure: commercial or residential
-- There will be 3 to 4 people working at all times. The intent is for this building to have 30 people an hour coming through.

2. The ages and gender of inhabitants
-- Customers will be of all ages. Workers will be from 16-45.

3. Future plans to add onto the structure: future expansion
-- Growth will be determined by necessity through demand.

4. A list of activities to be done with the structure (i.e., office use, office and living use, or storage only)
-- Food service

5. Entertainment habits
-- There will be televisions and gaming systems for movies and tournaments.

6. Desired number of rooms, minimum sizes, and types of rooms
-- 2 dining rooms, 2 restrooms and a kitchen all of fairly large size.

7. Kitchen with types of appliances desired
-- large commercial kitchen with commercial appliances

8. Bathrooms with the number, size, and types of fixtures desired.
-- 2 public restrooms and 1 employee restroom. 7 stalls and 4 urinals desired with 9 sinks.

9. Planned length of use of structure
-- years

10. ADA requirements
-- will be met

11. Budget for structure
-- a million dollars

12. Style of structure
-- cubic awesomeness

13. Special needs, i.e.: Handicap access
-- handicap restroom and entrances.

4.4.1 Essential Questions

1. Why did we exaggerate the vertical scale when we did the profile layout of the road?
-- We exaggerated the scale so that we could see the road in greater detail/

2. What differences would there be in the design of a road if we changed the road type from a collector to an arterial?
-- The road would have to be much larger and curve very little because cars would be traveling at higher speeds.

3. What are some of the factors you would have to consider if you were asked to design a new parking lot for your local library?
-- I would consider the space and how level the area was. I would also consider how much traffic goes through the building and how the flow would be.

4. How would the design of ingress or egress change if a building were to be used as a day care center instead of a senior center?
-- For day cares, your entrances would need to be farther away to keep the darting kids out of the way. Senior center entrances need to be real close to the doors of the building so that the old people don't have to walk far.

4.6.2 Questions

1. Determine the following information about the PLTW firehouse plan:

· What is the diameter of the existing water main? - 6"

· What is the diameter of the proposed water service? - 8"

· What is the elevation of the top of the hydrant? - 301.79'

· What diameter pipe is used for the building’s sanitary sewer line? - 6"

· Where is the gas meter to be located? - south middle of the building

· What is the spot elevation in the front left-hand corner of the building? - 300.00'

2. Why do you think red is the color used to depict electricity?
Red = danger, and you should always stay away from electrical lines

Parking Lot


3.3 Vocab

1. Arterial: a high or moderate capacity road below a highway that carries large volumes of traffic between urban areas.
2. Egress: a way out or exit, an exit ramp on an interstate
3. Feeder: a smaller road that flows into a larger road
4. Ingress: entering, an on ramp on an interstate
5. Transit Line: a line providing public transit
6. Curb Cut: a ramp leading smoothly down from a sidewalk to a street
7. Cut and Fill: the process of earth grading by excavating part of a higher area and using the material to fill in an adjacent lower area
8. Delta Angle: the change in angle of a curve
9. Freeway: a broad highway designed for high speed travel
10. Point of Reverse Curve: a point in a rail or road where a left or right curve is quickly followed by a curve in the opposite direction
11. Point of Tangency: point at which a tangent line intersects a curve
12. Sight Distance: length of the roadway ahead visible to the driver
13. Tangent Line: a straight line that just touches the outside of a curve
14. Vertical Alignment: a combination of tangent grades and vertical curves which defines the vertical location of a highway
15. Vertical Curve: a transition between two elevations