6.3 Essential Questions

1. If a beam bends in one direction, what is the effect on the column?
-- Depending on the location of the column on the bending beam, it will either compress or stretch. If the beam is bending down on the end of the column, it will compress but if the beam is bending down on the end opposite the column, it will stretch.

2. If a column compresses too severely, how does that affect a beam?
-- The beam will move down with the column and could crack the ceiling and ruin the structural integrity of the building.

3. In the design of a column and beam system, what are the geometric and physical principles that must be considered for safety and sustainability of a structure?
-- We would need to consider the weights of the materials being used and the length of the beams. If a beam spans a distance too long without being supported, it will bend to much and not support what it should.

4. What information is provided in column schedules? What additional information is needed in designing a column and beam bracing system?
-- A column schedule would tell you the type and number of columns being used. You would also need to know the type of beam being used to determine where the supports need to be placed.

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