6.1 Essential Questions

1. What is structural engineering?
--Structural engineering is the area of engineering that deals with how a building will support itself and all the other loads that it may come in contact with.

2. How does the design of a structure impact how loads are dispersed?
--Different shapes and designs will handle weight differently. For instance, a flat roof would have a heavy force straight down all the way across the top possibly causing sagging, whereas an arch helps move some of the weight down toward the walls.

3. In what ways are wind, snow, and dead and live loads similar or different?
--They are similar because they all have an affect on the building. All loads need to be transfered by the building to the ground so that they will not ruin the building.

4. How does the use of mathematics help in understanding about the forces and loads on a structure?
--Math can show how much force a building will be able to withstand. By calculating all the loads that will affect the structure, you know what materials and how much materials will need to be used.

5. How do you determine what loads are applied to a structure?
--Loads are determined by the purpose of the building and what external forces will be acting on it depending on its location. For instance, a house in Pheonix, Arizona, would not have to worry about a heavy snow load as in Buffalo, New York.

6. Where would you locate a load table to assist your design process?
--The internet, anything can be found online!

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